About my Blog

Want to write down everything that comes in my mind

29 December 2009

Movin' On

Everyone has movin' on, am stuck...
it's not that i don't want to move on, but juz don't know where to move..

Urrgh >.<

19 December 2009


Well, sebenernya gw pengen post tentang Trip recap gw slama th 2009 ini, but gw pending dulu coz masih dalam proses pengerjaan, hihihi..tiba" pengen nulis hal ini aja..

Sebenernya dah lama sie pengen curhat disini, tp ga sempet & klo pun ada kesempatan, malas pula..

Eniwei, belakangan gw ngerasa ada yg ilang aja..ilang kesempatan, ilang waktu, ilang semangat, bahkan ilang temen..ilang temen disini sie bukan dalam arti sebenernya yaah, masih pada sehat" aja koq, dan semoga sehat selalu, hehehe ^o^ ilang temen disini adalah dalam artian kurangnya intensitas antara gw ke mereka, di karenakan beberapa faktor 'hilang' diatas dan sebagainya..

Gw akuin gw sibuk dan gw yakin mereka juga sibuk. Ada yg kerjanya menggila, ada yg sibuk dengan kuliah dan tugas"nya, ada yg pergi" terus, ada juga yg ilang entah kemana dengan sendirinya. I've tried to contact u guyz, biasanya sie by YM, tp kynya suka ga nyampe y msg gw..inetnya lg dodol x yah, sama ky inet gw yg makin lama makin cupu, hueheuehuee..

Heew, life's unconditionally changed yah..kangen ih..

14 October 2009

Inspiration Point

Weew, quite long that I never put any words in my blog, huh..

Well, dunno where to start..
Maybe I’ll start from my work zone..

Well, I can say that my work is totally a mess. Not that I cannot do the job well, but it’s more to the office management issue. I fed up tellin’ abt this. Well anyway, the more I do my job, the more I know that the suggestion is playing a big rule. Why can I say that? It’s bcoz I realize when u don’t put the problem into a big thing, u will not feel suffer of it, but when u put it as the most influence thing in ur work, then hell..u will feel burden.

Like Norman Vincent Peale said, “How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself - so always think positively”. Well, I agree of what the quotes saying. That’s why nowadays, I try to fill my day with many positive thoughts and hanging out with inspirational person.

Talking about an inspirational person, I have a friend who fulfills criteria of it. I met him in Rotaract occasion couple months ago. He’s nice, very smart and intelligent person.. Not only that, easy going and has the same way of hanging out with another made me close with him easily. And u know what, he is a cute Chinese (as u know, am a Chinese lover), wkakakaka.. owkeeyh, focus on his personality..! As I jotted down before, he is such an inspirational person for me. He knows what he wants and knows how to achieve it. He knows the color of his life whether it’s black or white, while me, I can say that I -now- see my future life in a Grey color ^o^

Not that am saying that my other friends are not an inspirational person. Lucky me, am surrounded by many talented person in my life. I wanna be like them, can give many positive energy to my surroundings ^o^

Anyway, I attended a workshop held by Rotaract organization. We went to Puncak. First day was fun, we were playing a game named Exoro Game. Very nice game where u need to put ur full attention to this game. FYI, this game has been finished in 5 hours..!

Second day was also a very hectic and inspirational one. We played the Exoro Game in the real world, called Exoro Live, where all functional in this game must be implemented in the real world. Aah, I didn’t tell u abt this game, huh..This game is about how to create money from minimum capital. The game is more like Monopoli game, but much more complicated.

I can tell that my life for these couple weeks is HAPPY..!!


Oouuuu, I have a plan with my friends to go for holiday, yeeeaaaayyy…!!! Finaalyyy..!!! I do really need a refreshing ^o^

10 September 2009

Yes i'm ready

This is the third days he didn’t call me..well, it shows me enuf that I did d rite decision, rite..? I already knew the consequences by told him that I don’t like being the one who’s been storied abt his x gf. Jealous ? Maybe a lil’ bit..but that’s ok, I won’t regret my decision. Am the one who’s not giving him a chance to talked. So this is my risk. Losing someone who’s filled my days with smiles, phones, jokes, and everything..am ready to lose it..

09 September 2009

The Past

Why can’t people get over the past..?
Is it bcoz the past has the most beautiful moment for u?
Is it bcoz the past has intrigue thing for u?
Is it bcoz u’d done sth bad?
Is it bcoz the past had done sth bad to u?
Is it bcoz u r totally -stuck- in love with one person?
Is it bcoz u r so stupid can’t face the future?

Why do I always get involved with people like u..?!!

07 September 2009

The question

Someone asked me couple days ago,
her : “caca, r u fallin' in love..?”
me : “whaaat..? how come u ask me that question?”
her : “i dunno, u look different with the last time i went to ausie”
me : “really..?”
her : “r u?”
me : juz gave a -question mark- smile

My question is, “am i..?”

21 August 2009

My culmination has come..

Finally, segala hal yg udh gw tahan sejak di Viet, tumpah smua pas kemaren gw lg kerja dikantor..sebel, kesel, muak, campur aduk smuanya..lembur tiap hari yg bikin badan gw rasanya remuk smua, ditambah lagi banyak org yg punya expektasi berlebihan ke gw tanpa mikirin gw sanggup ato ga menuhin smua permintaan mereka itu, huff..
Lots of pressure there..gw ngerasa terbebani dengan smua yg ada, kerjaan, tim manajemen, client yg rese, org yg tiba” ikut campur sama urusan gw..smua campur aduk..slama ini gw slalu berusaha tux bs tetep keliatan seneng di depan mereka, tux nutupin sebenernya gw ky gmn, tp kemaren ga bs..udh ga tahan lagi, akhirnya gw nangis juga, whahaha, cupu yah..
Temen gw sempet comment ke gw sehabis ikutan meeting ttg project gw ini, “gila ca, ga heran tiap abis meeting lo slalu keliatan stress”, hahaha..it's juz a piece of what i feel honeeey..
Gw ngerasa childish banget waktu akhirnya gw kalah sama tekanan itu..and u know what's hurt so bad from that? When -finally- u realize that no one for u who will always be there for u..someone u can rely on..in d end, i can only rely on myself.. T_T
Cao dr kantor jam stgh 9 malem, br dapet bus jam 9, tiba” ketemu sama Putra, salah satu temen SMA gw yg bandel tp baik, huehue..dy makin nyadarin gw klo life sucks, but it's sucker when u feel burden anytime bad things come to u..huff..yeap i know Put, i was too childhish facing all of d probs, i'll try to fix it now..
Saking mumetnya gw, akhirnya gw memutuskan hr ini stay at home, biar aga tenangan dulu, heew..huff..

18 August 2009


Aaaaa....pengen punya pacar, wkakakaka..

Lingkungan gw ga jauh” sama kantor..mana bs memperluas pergaulan yah klo gini mulu, stuck di kantor, ampir tiap hari lembur..berangkat & pulang ga ada matahari, huff..ketemu sama temen lama juga jarang..no time..jadinya no life..sampe rumah masih harus ngerjain kerjaan kantor T_T, ky sekarang nie..dikejar deadline 30 hari mengejar target, hahaha..masih mending klo pasang target ky film 30 hari mencari cinta, lah gw..madesu >.<

Temen gw bilang klo gw high quality jomblo..hellooow, i don't wanna be a jomblo for entire of my life..!! gila apa..heew..ya ga sedesperate itu banget sie, msh ada bbrp org yg nyatain k gw jg..tp gw anggep temen doank..klo gw il-feel, gw bs ngejauh (& biasanya Mayang suka ngomelin gw klo gw dah mulai il-feel ga jelas :D) intinya, blom sedesperate itu being a jomblo..

Tp belakangan, berasa sepi..cape kerja, rumah jauh..berangkat subuh pulang tengah malem, gituuu terus tiap hari, huff..cape..pengen ada yg meratiin lagi, pengen ada yg 'ngatur' lagi, hahahaha..manusia emang banyak maunya yah ^o^

Lalalala, pacar, dimana dirimuuw..? (sounds a lil' bit pathetic, huh)

Anywaaay, kynya sie mantan yg satu itu punya target baru d, biasanya klo dah pasang status aneh” tuh tandanya lagi deket sama yg lain – selain pacar tentunya..duuh ayaaank”, kapan mu berubah sieee..grow up dude..!!

Oyah, waktu gw bday, org pertama yg kasih gw selamat tepat di jam 00:00 itu..ya sie jerk itu..heew, mabh yah Maaay, u r d runner up in time, but still d number one that i 'accepted'..pas dapet sms, gw dah excited tux baca, eeh ternyata dr dia..bt mendadak gw, wkakkkaa..i know lah BB punya app yg bs set sms for birthday, jd i know dy pake SmsScheduler wkt kirim msg k gw, he wouldn't stayed only to send me an sms..huff..

Yaah, besok senin lagii..malasnya..ada meeting pula, huff..

Sisa cuti masih 10 hari..kemana y kemana y..pengen liburan..lalalala..

-lagi bosan dengan segala rutinitas yg ada-

16 August 2009

No Time

No Time

Yeap, that's me who has no time for LIFE..i have overtime everyday in d office coz of d tight little-messy timeline of project..huff..i can't complain..'customer is d king is', a gud phrase to tell u abt what's goin' on..

Bored bored bored..working almost everyday & nothing fun to do..aaaah..i want to have a holidaaaaay..!!

Heeeew =.='

03 August 2009


error nie, ck ck ck..

21 July 2009

Trip Recap

Recap for all of my Business Trip

Sorry for jotting down very late. I have a lil prob with my email in this blog, coz i use the hotmail, not the gmail. It's a bit confusing to change it while it should be very easy to change the email address here, hahaha..not working with my bachelor degree in Binus, huh..

Anyway, i want to tell u abt my 2nd business trip in Hanoi..it was sucks..i was with someone who couldn't enjoy the trip. Stayed all day long in d hotel, did nothing fun, only work and work..i used to go somewhere with my old partners, but these time, we went nowhere..bored..yeap, bored..a perfect word to say it all..

I had chance stayed there for abt 3 weeks..one week for worked, another week stayed @ the hotel and the last week for bored culmination..!! Ooh, i remember we went to the see the Water Puppet, one of the most popular show in the world, held exactly at the Hoan Kiem Lake city where we were stayed. That's all..no camera (i actually brought it but it was useless coz the charger was missin'), no new place to be seen..huff..boring boring boring..

We both were really bored with the place and also the client, whose seems didn't know what they want for this business..means that it's useless staying there coz they had no idea what kind of bussiness that they wanted. Bcoz of that, we decided to back earlier. Unlucky, the flight was full booked until the next week..ck ck ck..What the hell was goin' on in Singapore until all the flight to Jkt were full until the next week..? the one that left was the 1st flight on Sunday, which means we had to stayed for a nite in Singapore..That's not bad, it'll be worst if we had to stayed in Hanoi for another week, huh..We took the choise..

Owkeeeyh, we stayed one nite in Spore..i thought i could be fun, staying there and we could do sightseeing there..but crap..my partner didn't want to go anywhere but the Terminal..hellooooow..omg..i did really do trip with the wrong person..can u imagine we stayed all nite long..only in the Terminal..!! i felt juz like Tom Hanks in his movie -The Terminal- staying there doin' nothing but sit down and watching movie, my partner fell asleep @ 11 pm, ahahhaha..yeah rite..he fell asleep..damn..i couldn't sleep until 3 o'clock in d mornin', ck ck ck..how could he had a gud sleep in that kind of place? The seat doesn't even comfortable to be slept..

Hhh, what a trip..

Back to Jakarta, i was a lil' bit confuse of the things that i should do..i don't know what to do in d office..i stayed near Ratih, where it belongs to QA's area, not the SA's..but what the hell, i need more time to get used to with the office's environment -again- i was saved by the bell bcoz of Ulan's marriage which made me bought a ticket to Surabaya and could avoide going' to Hanoi for the 3rd times, yiiiihaaaa...!!! am feelin' guilty lil' bit coz i feel like i screwed my job desc in this project..Sorry partner, i don't want to spend another time with u there..

Enuf for Hanoi, Let's get to the best part..

Not goin' to Hanoi doesn't mean that am not goin' anywhere..Me and some of my friends were going to Jember for Ulan's marriage..sth that everybody's waitin' for finally come..it was such a nice trip..we had a chance goin' to Bromo..what a beautiful place, and cold one of course..we were freeze there coz of the cold, hueheuee..

Ulan, finally married..she's become the 1st one who gets married..congratulation to u my dear, live happily ever after, owkeyh ^o^

Here's a lil -unimportant- part for this blog..I want to talk abt him again -that lil' bastard-, but i decide not to do that..the only thing that i want to let everybody knows is that i hate him..that's all..

Well, i think that's the recap for my-lost-nowhere-blog, hopefully i have a will to do blogging everytime i have the chances..not everyday of course, but everytime when i think it's the best time to tell it to the world..


04 June 2009

mampir jkt

This is my 3rd days in jkt, setelah senin kemaren gw balik k sini dari Hanoi..gw kira gw bakal di sini terus @ least sampe 1 bulan ke depan, but ternyata gw musti balik lagi ke sana hari minggu ini T_T

Last nite gw ketemu sama Rara & Rizki...haduuw, kangen sama 2 makhluk ituh..we went to Elbow Kemang..they got wine while me, Orange juice (i don't drink anyway ^0^)..badan gw remuk" sie, tapi bela"in d dianter pake motor (sampe masuk angin T_T) demi bs bareng ama sie Rizki, wakkaka..mantanku yg 1 itu getting mature :) love it..!!

Well anyway, td pagi gw ke kantor naik metromini yg sering gw naikin..ada pengamen yg lagunya -haduw males bgt d- jadul bgt & ga ngerti itu lagu sapa -ciptaan dy sendiri x yah-, tapiiii...that 'pengamen' was smiling, & itu senyum yg tuluuus bgt..it makes me feel like i want to give my best smile today :)

*thx yah pak 'pengamen', paling ga gw dah dapet sedikit semangat pagi ini mengingat hari ini kerjaan gw bakal banyak bgt ^0^

16 May 2009

Nice wiken ^0^

It's a week in Vietnam, so far i love this country..many places to go, quite near, not too far i mean..many gud places which become the gud spots to take pics, i believe my friends r dying for this, wkakakaka..like today, we went to Halong bay..aaw, it's a must c place u know, sooooo gud ^0^

Well anyway, dunno why gw masih mikirin sie player yg 1 itu..he said that he broke up with her, but the relationship status in fesbuk is still like that..huff..seems like nothing happen, nothing change..what happen to meee...? aaaah, like no other man, Nissa..? ck ck ck...

13 May 2009


Well, mau sedikit colongan tentang dia..u can say that i am stupid..i juz ended my relationship with a 'player'..i can say he is a player, coz i think that's the rite word to describe him..i don't want to believe his words, but i do..i don't want to hear the story abt the x-gf, but i do..i don't want to contact him, but i do..

I lost my trust in him, i don't believe in what he says anymore, but somehow, i also believe when he tried to convinced me with his nice-tease-convince, but when i c the truth, i suddenly build a wall to trust his words..i doubt every single words coming from him..

Actually i am really stupid..i know that he can't move on from her..i know they both r feel possessive each other..they want each other..he's a wishy washy guy, afraid of everything especially with her, who always drive his life..or they both r like that..? dunno..huff..

I don't know if i love him or not..all i know, i feel very comfy every time i talk with him, even i don't know he feels the same or not..he said he loves me, until now..should i believe in him..? i want to, but infact i am not..i don't know what i feel abt him..huff..

Stupid girl..

12 May 2009

@ Vietnam

Owkeeyh, gw sekarang lagi ada di Vietnam, my 1st time in here..like yogya i think..bangunannya tua" tapi terawat, public rests nya juga rapih & bersih", banyak spot" bagus tux foto", hohoho..danaunya, guedeee..namanya west like..banyak monumen" pula, nice place for tourists..

Kenapa gw bisa nyasar ke Viet..? well, i do the business trip with my bos & my PM..ga enak klo pergi gini tapi masih kerja, bawaannya malah ga bs istirahat, huff..musti bikin ini, bikin itu..dah gt yaaah, bikin emosi banget nie Hotel..bilangnya sie bintang 4 yax, klo di bandingin sama yg di indo mah dah ky hotel melati, wkakakaa..

Seru sie disini, cuma yg bikin ga tahan tuh pengendara motor sama sepedanya buanyak bgt & ga beradap..klo di indo, orang bunyiin klakson cuma klo udh kepepet, lah disini, tiap brp detik pasti klakson, hihiih..dah gt yah, klo ada yg nyebrang jalan juga tuh motor ga peduli, ck ck ck..much better in Ind lah y klo soal traffictnya..

Well, maybe i'll stay for abt 1 month, or could be more than that..tekanan kerjanya bakal tinggi kynya, musti extra work nie..

Anywaaaay, waktu gw mu berangkat ke Hanoi, gw kan transit ke Changi dulu, nah gw janjian sama dy..he went there, tp gw nya ga bs kluar ktm ma dy, hihihi..mabh yah, padahal gw pengen bgt ktm ma dy..sayang skali..later lah klo pas mu cao ke jkt, gw coba tux ktm ma dy..

Urgh, so sleepy..i need my beauty sleep..huff..

02 May 2009


20 days with that status, now back to reality..single again, hihihi.. don't regret my decision to be like this, i regret chose to be the last one for him, but infact that i'm not..i should choose to be the 1st one who broke his heart, then i'll get the medal, or even the gold cup, huff..
A player should be punished, but it's not me who have right do it, let things happen juz the way it will..later he'll get karma, hahahaa, hopefully he realize it before the karma's come..
Lucky me that not give my heart to him, huff...

01 May 2009

Think that i'm not the one

Have u ever think that u r really the one...? or it's juz what u think but infact u r not..i'm thinking of it rite now..sad..can't get over her from him, never..her shadow will come with us whenever & whereever we go T_T

26 April 2009

2 weeks

Things r goin' really beautiful in d past..makanya, hal yg paling gw suka itu adalah waktu masa" pdkt, klo dah jadian bawaannya malah uring"an, ck ck ck..like now, we r soooooo busy together abt our own job n the condition juz different rite now..huff..i have no guts to say that i want him to be juz like before..i miss the 'old' him..

Tadi bbrp temen gw msg & telp gw, ngasih tau gw tux liat fesbuk dy, ternyata ada foto mantannya..yeah i know klo dy lg hangout together with his friends, which is, she could be in there & kenyataannya beneran kan she's there..well..gw biasa aja sie tadinyaaaa...tp koq jadi berasa heboh bgt yaaah..mana gw ga bs tlp dy, ck ck ck..y su, gw pulang dengan feeling ga jelas, gw marah, jeles, ato justru biasa aja..? gw juga ga ngerti..i logged-on fesbuk, n found her pic on his fesbuk..suddenly i got the 'x'-syndrom, wkakakaka (hanya gw & rara yg tau)..

Well..jujur aja, gw typical orang yg gampang il-feel..soooo..don't blame me if my feeling for u could be gone..

18 April 2009

a week

Owkeyh, i want to tell u what's on my mind..having an LDR is sucks, ga enak..standart aja sie, no time, we're busy each other, having no time for us even for ourself..cliche huh..yeaah, i try to understand his job lah klo gt, ck ck ck..

*ketula dapet co programmer, wkakaka..

Well anywaaaaaaaay..my PM told me that the company wants to send me n him to Vietnam for GCM product for e-banking in there..wew, i'm not ready..my friends tell me that i have to go, this is a gud chance..i think so..but i don't know lah, belom tentu diizinin ma bonyok gw kan..

Job oh job..

12 April 2009

the last one for love

Yeap, this is the day i finally found d sureness..i know where my position rite now, i know how should i decide sth..
So, instead of being the 1st one, i decided to be the last one for love..
Happy again..
n then
Jealous, wkakakaka ( since the x-gf keep irritating me even she's not doin' it straight away, but quite annoying, heuheuehue..)

*Thx for the white roses & a forehead thingy, quite romantic ^0^


C y for couple months again ^o^

one more day

Skate today on TA mall..he's doin' gud as a beginer since that was his 1st time for skating, hehehehe..as usual we took pics, while i was abt to took his pic, the x-gf called..uh, she's kind an irritating gurl..yeah i realize i don't have the right to feel that way since am still NO ONE for him..but please, should u called him on n on everytime we'r together..? Uuh..
Well still nothing to be highlighted today, n he'll back there tomorrow..after this, if i still don't have any sureness, then we'll be juz a friend..

11 April 2009

meet him

Finally i met him today n spent the day together by watching Monsters vs Alien 3D, ate 'yaiks' noodle, ate crepes, buryam n Sour Sally which is da 1st time for him since he doesn't like yoghurt, but infact, he likes Sour Sally, hehhehe..
Well, nothing to be highlighted for today, juz doin' sth common, hehhee..
-wait for tom ^o^-

05 April 2009

Pengen Liburaaaan >.<

Too tired of work >.<

Huff, dah ga tau d rasany klo tiap pagi ke kantor, bawaanny dag dig dug sama kerjaan yg lagi gw tanganin..slaluuu aja ada perubahan, ntah itu emg dr sisi gw yg dudul ga teliti ato dr temen gw atopun dr pihak sie client..sempet kepikiran mu resign aja, ga kuat nahan beban batinny euy, berasa ky diteror sampe kebawa mimpi, huff..no one i can talk to..ujung"nya gw emg paling bs jujur sama Dee..mungkin coz dy yg paling ga tau kondisi kantor gw ky apa, jadiny gw berasa lepas bgt klo cerita ke dia..well she's the one who is rarely with me, but intens i think, she's come @ the rite time when i need someone to talk to..yeah, support each other, rite sista ^0^

My friends r abt to go to Belitung this weekend, ooh it will be fun..!! too bad i can't enjoy them, yeah coz of several reasons that no need to tell here, juz abt making me emotional, waakakaka..well, have a really fabulous trip guyz :(

He'll come on 10th..if he come..let c how my long weekend will be ended, will it be lots of fun or lots of crap (since if he's not coming then my weekend will be really sucks..)

I want to go to d beach, want to go to the mountain, want to try many things that never been tried before...really wanna have lots of fun...!!

@u, u'd better be come >.<

fesbuk teruus..

Niatnya wiken ini mu ngelanjutin kerjaan, tp malah browsing sana sini sambil liatin fesbuk..gara" fesbuk juga jd ga mood..the more i look the pics, the more i can't compare myself to her..they look nice together i think..will i take a wrong way to accept him or should i take it..?
Huff..Blame Fesbuk for making me bad mood =.='

couple days

5 more days to 10th..

30 March 2009


Report for these 2 days..

Pagi” gw ke tempat temenny Pau” tux ikutan acara Community service gt. Qta ke SLB di depok..kind a lesson for me saw them who has physically challenge live their life dmn rata” tiap ank min punya 4 jenis cacat n smuanya bed rest..langsung bersyukur udah di berikan apa yg gw punya sekarang..
Malem” gw ketemu sama tmn” SD gw, reuni kecil”an..seru..ketemu sie mantan..he's getting mature now, become a good photographer..ketemu dy jd inget dulu, hihihii..aga ngebikin gw sedikit blushing gw rasa :d hahahaa..aaah, i miss him now :D

Dee lg k jkt, truz dy mu main Para” dance, jd d qta cao k Karawaci..akhirny sampe sana main di Timezone abis itu ntn Confession of shopaholic (nice movie) truz lanjut Timezone lg, hueheuehe..kata dee gw berubah, jd aga tenang..am i..? maybe yes..mungkin coz gw emg lg bnyk pikiran juga x y, jd nya ga terlalu excited klo cerita sth..

Plain..sampe rumah ga ada orang coz bonyok lg pergi kondangan..home alone..truz sms dy..dy masih sama temenny..suddenly..plain..bad mood..huff..harusny dengan gw ngelewatin 2 hari ini gw seneng ato pumped up yah, tp ntah kenapa, tiba” plain..ntah knp..
Gw knp y...?
After an hour, he called me..plain..ga semangat gw jawabnya..lg” ntah knp..maybe bcoz of lack of communication..? busy..don't have time..hah cliche..do i really want to do this? Hhh..jd inget, td Dee juga nanya hal yg sama..i said yes..but tonite, suddenly i'm not sure that i want it..hhh..lg ga mu ngomong sebenerny..ym juga males..
Pengen sendiri..juz to calm my heart..

*no hurt feeling to u..juz..i need time to calm myself of whatever

22 March 2009

enjoy my loneliness -bad mood-

This is a bad week..bener" bikin gw ga mood sepanjang hari, smua berawal dari kerjaan..kerjaan yg hectic deadline sana sini, slalu ada update-an dr sisi client n adanya missunderstanding yg memperlambat pekerjaan semua orang, sampe akhirny hal itu bikin techlead gw kesel n aga negur gw (coz ini smua ngefek ke kerjaan dy juga)..huff..i feel so stupid..ga becus kerja..
Gw pengen cerita, pengen luapin smua kekesalan gw, but i don't know to whom i can talk to..i have friends, many friends, but in fact that i have nobody who can spend the time for me even for abt a half hour, cuma tux dengerin gw cerita, sukur" bs nenangin gw, heuheuehue..tp gw ngerti koq, ga cuma gw aja yg sibuk, pasti mrk juga pd sibuk..
Lonely..kynya ini emang satu"nya cara gw to calm myself, to think abt other things than that hectic probs..
Thx to Ulan & Puca yg secara ga sengaja ketemu di cetingan, @ least bs dengerin keluh kesah gw n bs tuker pikiran juga ^0^
Well, gw ga akan menjadi lembek atopun cengeng hanya karena hal ky gini, i know many peoples have bad experiences, even worst..mungkin ini salah satu sentilan dari Nya buat gw biar gw jd lebih teliti lagi dalam pekerjaan gw..

*To Ayu kecil, masalah gw ga ada apa"ny dibanding sama yg lo hadapi skrg..i wanna be like u, tough girl..

09 March 2009

abt LDR & Kambing Jantan

I've seen kambing Jantan the movie, so so aja (since i read the book & luv it badly), but quite nice, especially when u do the LDR thing. yeap, I was smile when I saw scene by scene..This movie kind an 'alert' to me to c the LDR as a choice to keep the relationship with ur hunz..many problems, one of the cliche thing is the distance..I juz smile, thinking that -maybe- I'll do it with someone, hihihii..

I am smiling now :) and write this blog while hearing the Adelaide Sky - Adhitia Sofyan

nb :
what is LDR..?
My version : Long Distance relationship
Kambing Jantan version : Long -Dick- Reduction =)) wkakkaak, dodol...

04 March 2009

kerja menggila - intens

Huaaa, semakin sering lembur nie gw, huhuhu..pengen nge-kos..cape bgt brkt subuh pulang tengah malem, huhuhuu...

-Irvanny resign, sedih, hix-

Hmm, dia jadi balik dr Spore bulan depan, hihii, can't wait ^0^

21 February 2009


What makes me doubted him..? I don’t know..i tried to find the answer in my head –my heart..?- but I never found it..Honestly, I like him, but do I really ‘like’ him..? I don’t know either..there’s something in my heart..Questioning.. Discrediting..Not trusting him..and I feel like I’m just an option for him..days he tried to convince me..days he tried to pleasant me..why..?

Many reasons came to be the answers to him for me..does my heart so cold to see it..? i think i'll give him a chance..it's not bcoz i'm a desperate-jomblo woman-or a girl-, hahaha sounds pathetic, but it's more like sth to lead me, to show me, to give me the answer abt my own feeling..

Well, we had discussed abt our relationship -without tellin' the 2nd character's name of course- many times..he asked me questions abt the possibilities of the next-relationship, how to manage an LDR, convinced me that i'm special, etc"..i don't know for sure...

What i know is, he'll be back in April to meet me..should i prepare sth for any possibilities..? hahaha, juz wait n c..

15 February 2009

V-days - LDR..?

What is so special from Valentine..? i don't think Valentine is 'a Must' in a relationship..not only relation with ur couple, but also to the others..well, i used to celebrate it since my friends always did it..but in the past years, i became really careless to the v-day..is it because i don't have a boyfriend to share it with..? wkakak, i don't know for sure..

Well anyway, i'm in Puncak, all Jombloners in the office -the closest one, of course- went to Puncak exactly @ v-days, hihihi..

Talking abt boyfriend..have u ever do the LDR..? well, i don't really know how it is goin' coz i never had experience with it..but will i..? i don't know either..i think when i do the LDR, i'll never feel like i have a boyfriend..yes we can talk on the phone, and of course we can keep our communication with all available devices..but the existence is also important, rite..? i'm afraid the feeling will be gone if we dont meet..ah i don't know, well i also don't do the LDR rite now, so i won't take it seriously until i really have it..

28 January 2009


Belakangan entah kenapa gw jadi sering sensi..klo ada yg berisik, gw jd langsung kesel..pas gw lagi butuh BA tux nanya kerjaan gw, smuanya pada ga bs, ato pergi..skalinya ada di kantor, fokusnya cuman sama project yg dia pegang, yg lain dicuekin..hayaaah...kerjaan gw juga deadline iniiii....!!!

Urgh kesel gw >.<

27 January 2009

seneng - sebel

3 hari kemaren sie Tiang liburan ke Ind..we spent time together in puncak, wkakaka..nekat..brkt jam stgh 4 sore, Cuma tux makan gurame, wkakkaka..kasian bet yah di Spore ga ada variasi makanan ky di Ind, hihihii..yah seneng lah dia ke sini, dah lama juga ga ktm ma dia :D
Barusan dapet kabar dari mayang klo ternyata dia ga jd cao ke Jogya, yippy..!! oyah, dia juga bilang klo sie ce sirik semakin menjadi”..hhh, cape yah, knp musti sirik gt sie..klo emang ga punya kemampuan y jgn ambil jalan negative gt dunk..*huh hah, jd ikutan emosi =.=’
Lagi aga aneh dengan keadaan gw dan sie Galak ituh..ada apa sie sebenernya..? dia bisa tiba” baik bgt ke gw, tp bs tiba” cuek mampus ky orang ga kenal..iiih, nyebelin bgt kan..!! klo kata temen gw sie dia itu egois coz qta harus ikutin mood dy..when he wants to have fun, then we should join him, but when he is busy, we shouldn’t bother him..uuurgh…dasar co egois..gw sampe dibikin bingung gini sama dia, ck ck ck…

23 January 2009


Belakangan ini gw jadi rajin lembur, sampe rumah slalu diatas jam 10 malem, berangkat jam 6 pagi…begituuuu terus tiap hari..mungkin bonyok gw juga dah kasian ngeliat gw x yah, pas gw pulang jam 11 kemaren, nyokap gw komentar, “mama dah tidur, Nissa baru pulang..emang ga kepikiran tux kerja di tempat lain..?”…heuheuheue, kynya emang waktu gw buat keluarga dah bener” ga ada yah T_T
Well, belakangan gw jadi deket sama salah satu temen gw, ga tau knp, tiba” aja deket..tapi biasanya sie y, klo udah tiba” deket, pasti tiba” bs jadi jauh juga..huff..cape ky gini..baru” ini gw juga sadar..klo dia juga deket sama temen gw yg lain..well, intinya jgn terlalu berharap d, coz sapa tau dia emang baik ke smua orang, so I declare that there’s nothing special between us..
Mayang baru kasih tau gw klo dia mu cao ke Jogya.. T_T kenapa musti cao sieee…alasannya sie coz dia dah males sama salah satu temen kantor nya yg kynya sie sirik ma dia (Fb & all related internet items were cracked). Huhuhuuu, tapi kenapa musti caoo…hix hix..masa smua sobat gw pada di luar kota smua sie, huhuhuu…di jkt aja dah susah ketemu, apalagi klo di luar kotaaaa….!!!
I'm feelin' empty..
Too many words to say, sampe akhirnya ga bs diomongin disini, wkakakaka...

04 January 2009


Still have no resolution...