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Want to write down everything that comes in my mind

02 May 2009


20 days with that status, now back to reality..single again, hihihi.. don't regret my decision to be like this, i regret chose to be the last one for him, but infact that i'm not..i should choose to be the 1st one who broke his heart, then i'll get the medal, or even the gold cup, huff..
A player should be punished, but it's not me who have right do it, let things happen juz the way it will..later he'll get karma, hahahaa, hopefully he realize it before the karma's come..
Lucky me that not give my heart to him, huff...


KinanTi... said...

20 hr melewati asem manis cinta.. hahaha ky lemon tea yg di sctv tuh.. hihihih.. find the nu one...

The Wind said...

Kalau ceritanya sama, Gw pengen juga bs berbuat hal yang sama kaya lo. Hebat Jeng! :)

Anonymous said...

he had colored your life enewei. lalala..