About my Blog

Want to write down everything that comes in my mind

29 June 2008


Akhirnya minggu" penuh emosi terlewati sudah...ck ck ck...

26 June 2008

My best rival is my best friend

Have u ever feel like that..? yes i do, and now i am..again...

25 June 2008


...Now i know that i'm not the only one...

Suneo's ear worm for me (n love it)

Be With You

Mr. Big

Hold on little girl
show me what he's done to you
stand up little girl
a broken heart cant be that bad
when its through its through
fate will twist up both of you
so come on baby come on over
let me be the one to show you

I'm the one who wants to be with you
deep inside I hope you feel it too
waited on a line of greens and blues
just to be the next to be with you

Build up your confidence
so you can be on top for once
wake up
who cares about little boys that talk too much
Ive seen it all go down
your game of love was all rained out
so come on baby come on over
let me be the one to hold you

I'm the one who wants to be with you
deep inside I hope you feel it too
waited on a line of greens and blues
just to be the next to be with you

why be alone
when we can be together baby
you can make my life worth while
I can make you start to smile

when its through its through
fate will twist up both of you
so come on baby come on over
let me be the one to show you

I'm the one who wants to be with you
deep inside I hope you feel it too
waited on a line of greens and blues
just to be the next to be with you (repeat)

24 June 2008


Nobi nobi nobi nobitaaa...klo di denger" nama itu bagus juga yah...dulu waktu Fujiko F. Fujio bikin komik Doraemon, ngambil nama dr mana yah..? hihihii..Giant (klo yg ini jelas karena badannya yg besar), Suneo (yg ntah kenapa pas banget sama mukanya yang ngeselin), n Shizuka (yang juga a/ nama yg cantik)... huaehueheueee....

*lagi geje (ga jelas), akhirnya nulis hal yg ga penting..
**pengen ubrak-abrik lemari lagi, mu baca" komiknya lagi, hueheuehue....

23 June 2008


Today, some of my workmates officially resign from this office...sedih coz biasanya disebelah gw ada ci Linda yg mengayomi orang", & Evi yg suka ketawa...tapi hari ini ga ada...dan beberapa orang akan melakukan hal yang sama dalam beberapa minggu ini...makin sepi d...

Hyah, logikanya sie ini emang jalan terbaik buat mereka, sama seperti waktu Aldhi keluar...harusnya gw dukung yah...tapi ya itu, sifat childish gw emang blom ilang"...seperti postingan sebelumnya, susah tux ngelepas orang" terdekat qta, apalagi yang dah menjadi habit tux slalu bareng"...

Well, gudlak to y'all...u found ur way, and i'll find mine...Suneo said that i'll get my own call...soon i hope...

20 June 2008

is it da rite job..?

Gw sedang mengalami masa" dilemma (again)...belakangan ini banyak temen" gw yang resign dr tempat kerja gw dengan alasan yang sama : getting a better place. siapa aja yg mu out..? Evi ke BCA, Tiara & ci Linda ke IBM (SAP pula), Faisal entah kemana, Elda ke ASTRA, Ciput ke Ausie...yes, those are better than this company...and yes, it makes me thinking again, whether it is da rite place for me...

Klo mu di liat dari segi salary sie dah pasti disana jauh lebih gede dari pada disini...gw juga mau banget nyoba di tempat lain dimana sebagai Newbie dah bs dapet salary gede dengan nama perusahaan yang dah besar...tapi, dont know why, i feel very comfort in here, and also i really wanna be a real SA...lingkungan yang dah seru banget, walopun dengan suasana kerja yang serba di kejar deadline, dimana hampir tiap menit para developer teriak" "jira nambah nie", ato "dah di deploy blom..?", ato juga "UAT ga beres nie", dan smuanya itu di tambah dengan kata 'COY', wkakakaka....it's nice to be in here...

But back to my future...bokap beberapa hari ini nyuruh gw coba di tempat lain, like a bank...yes, i really wanna work in a bank...i dreamt it since couple years ago, and he is become my role model to be an employee...selain itu dia juga nanya sesuatu yang ga bisa gw jawab, "emangnya Nissa dah puas kerja disana...?". Gimana bisa puas klo kerja aja blom dimulai...khan gw br selesai training, walopun gw dah di assign tux pegang 1 project, tapi khan musti nunggu requirements dari client...tapi gw juga ga muna klo gw emang pengen di bank...

Aaah...bokap expect gw dapet di tempat gede, like those place ( up above)...tapi gw juga pengen nyoba dulu disini...gw pengen liat kemampuan gw gmn...n jujur gw juga berat ninggalin orang" disini...hhh, bener" dilemma buat gw...(i cant interpret in here, coz dunno how to write it in words)...

*waitng for the answer...

19 June 2008

fetish with a long hair..?

Td malam pas gw ym sama bbrp temen gw, gw menanyakan whether i have to cut my hair or not...most of them (boys) love to see a girl with a long hair...one of them (Aldhi) said that he always 'fetish' with a long hair girl...

lalu, karena English gw cupuuuu, gw cari lah arti kata Fetish di inbahasa.com tapi ga nemu"...akhirnya gw cari di answer.com dan inilah artinya :

  1. An object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices.

  2. An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence: made a fetish of punctuality.

  3. Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.

  4. An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation.

ck ck ck...OMG...dasar co....

18 June 2008

-am i worth- thing

Dah bebereapa hari ini Nobi selalu curhat tentang burden dia di kantor...kemaren pas gw lagi lunch ma Aldhi Bv, dia msg gw, n gw baru bales 1 jam kemudian...feeling guilty juga sie coz i wasn't there when he needs me...awalnya sie dia ga mu cerita knp mss gw, tapi setelah gw pancing dikit, langsung keluar deh..huehuehue...ga cuma itu, td malem juga gt...sampe dia minta mav coz slalu 'kelepasan' klo dah ngomongin soal burdennya itu..

Well, soal burden sie gw ga terlalu permasalahin yah, yeah bcoz it's a common thing that happen bcoz da job and it's environment are sucks...tapi yang bikin gw jd -ga bs klo ga meratiin dia- adalah coz he feels like he is nothing...he doesn't that worth for da company...he is left behind his 'Big 5 workmates...

Hey dude, i've been there, thinking negatively about myself...thinking that i can do nothing, but only useless things...one of my friend told me that i have my own thing...so don't ever thinking like that again, bcoz u r different from each other...

Hihihihiii, dia sampe speachless coz gw kasih saran ini itu...n yes, he said that he will think abt what i said before...

Nobi, i'll always be there to be ur very best listener...and thx coz i've been the one u trust to tell abt ur stories (burden actually, wkakaka...) ^_*

*turut berduka cita untuk Balgis yang bokapnya meninggal 2 hari yang lalu...
**Mayang...i'm here to let u know that u can always lay on my shoulder...

14 June 2008


Last weekend we (me n my workmates) went to Puncak for Aldhi’s farewell…it was nice, seru…jadi makin deket sama yang lain, banyak foto” n video juga, wakakkakaa…

Seru disana, BBQ, masak”, ke waterfall, truz banyak juga kejadian” konyolnya, hueeuee..

Disana emang sie gw ga bs deket sama suneo, but it’s ok…since that day, gw jadi makin sering ym n sms-an sama dia…nobi juga sama, sejak pulang dari sana, dia dah bs makin terbuka sama gw, n suka tiba” curhat colongan, wakkakaaa…it is nice to know that I’m the one who is trusted by him to tell abt his stories…n slain itu juga mereka dah ‘sadar’ n ‘mulai duluan’ keg w…hohohoooo ^0^

Well, terlalu banyak kejadian” yg ga bs gw certain disini, mulai dr seneng, puas, sampe ngerasa bersalah ke orang lain…yg pasti it is nice to have them as my workmates.. :D

11 June 2008

rate my life

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

05 June 2008


*pinjem gaya nulisnya ulan...

me : flu nie gw
suneo : wah, itu pasti gara" lembur
suneo : jangan gitu lagi yah
suneo : besok" pulangnya tenggo aja
suneo : ga boleh lewat dari jam 6 yaah, hehe :)

**wink - ting ting

me : ngaku aja deeh
me : i'll keep ur dirty little secret
me : huehuehee *ketawa guling"
suneo : bukaaan..gw cuma pengamat, bukan pelaku
suneo : if u expose it, i'll make u become one of my secret

***maksud loooowh, ck ck ck....



kemaren nobita curhat ttg kerjaannya, wkakakaka..stress dia...

****flu parah nie, ck ck ck

04 June 2008


weks...let say, date on da same time...waduuuh...bingung pilih yg mana...wakakkakaa.....

03 June 2008


...i wanna write sth, but don't know what to write on...

01 June 2008


Smua sedang mengalami saat" dilemma... dan smua juga berhubungan dengan love life... kenapa yah love life slalu menjadi topik yang menarik di kehidupan qta...? ky ga ada ujungnya...
ck ck ck


still missing u...and more...damn it...