About my Blog

Want to write down everything that comes in my mind

24 January 2011



Why Are Girlfriends Jealous?

The main reason most girls are jealous is low self-esteem, insecurities, and lack of trust. Anyone can experience jealousy. Maybe she had a bad experience with a past boyfriend. Perhaps he cheated on her and she was really hurt over it. That would certainly cause problems of self-esteem.

One main reason girls tend to get jealous is over other girls, particularly ex girlfriends. They are worried that other girls might have something that they do not. Your girlfriend may feel that you could find other girls prettier, funnier, or smarter than she is. She may also be wondering if you still have feelings for your ex. All of these thoughts will lead to the fear that she could lose you.

17 January 2011

A Year To Be

Judulnya sie A Year To Be, but there'll be no anniversary ;) knp begitu? ya coz aq kan single, mwuahahaha..diitung", klo gw msh jalan sama Ari, bulan ini jd 1 th nya gw deket sama dy..Time flew fast yah..

Haiiiz, pas bgt gw nulis ini, lagu yg lagi muter di playlist gw jazz" n bossanova, jd rada" gmn gt yah boo..

Hmm, 1 lagi temen deket gw resign, semakin banyak yg meninggalkan nie..sekarang gw juga udah mulai apply" tux cari" yg baru, coz gw ngerasa memang udh saatnya..

3 years..almost 3 years, wow waktu yg cukup lama yah boo ;) moga" gw mendapatkan tempat baru yg lebih baik dari sekarang ini, amiiin ;)

03 January 2011


Flashback to 2010's resolutions, kynya ga banyak yg tercapai..sayang sekali..malam ini dejavu lagi..gw duduk di kamar memikirkan apa yg harus tercapai di tahun ini, dan gw ga mau muluk", gw akan merealisasikan resolusi 2010 tsb ;)

Well anyway, i bought 3 tickets this year, yeaaay..!! I'll go to Phuket by Feb, Hongkong by May and Lombok - Bali by August, soooo excited..!!

I intend get my post graduate degree, hope i can get to UGM, amiiin ;)

Hope this year gonna be fierce ;)