About my Blog

Want to write down everything that comes in my mind

30 January 2010

Caused by : java.lang.AppraisalError

Hihihihi..pas baca title nya dah tau dunk ini ttg apa..

Appraisal, salah satu event yg paling ditunggu" oleh smua karyawan, sama seperti di kantor gw, org" dah pada rusuh dr bulan des 2009 kemaren. Ekspektasi org pasti akan tinggi (ya iyalah y, sapa yg ga mau gaji gede) secara kerjanya jg dah ky kerja rodi..maklum, klo kerja di perusahaan IT kerjanya bs 24/7, lembur teruuus..

Project melimpah dengan resource yg sedikit bikin karyawannya jadi stress, kadang multitasking juga..cape lama", jd wajar dunk klo ngarep kenaikan yg tinggi, hehehe..

Truz apa jadinya klo event yg di tunggu" akhirnya datang juga, tp appraisal yg di harapkan justru bikin kecewa..? jadinya bubar jalan..haha..

Saatnya pindah ke lain hati..

18 January 2010


Seperti Yoghurt Cimory yg Plain..itulah hidup gw sekarang.
Ga punya gebetan rasanya jd sepi, punya gebetan bikin ga konsen kerja, ada yg ngegebet juga kadang bikin males..heew, mau gw apa yah?

"Duh males bgt nie", kalimat yg keluar hampir setiap hari -almost 3 times a day, dah ky minum obat yah- yg bikin gw jd ga punya semangat kerja. Dapet kerjaan yg gampangnya ampun"an aja males ngerjainnya, hihihii..dasar manusia..!!

I REALLY need sumthin nu..it's too plain..

I wanna taste Vanilla..

13 January 2010


I already deleted my inbox..huhu, quite sad, coz there are many memories with Roy ToT, hux..

08 January 2010


Ok, gw akui gw emang basi bgt blm ntn This Great Movie..!! gw br ngeh ada nie film setelah gw balik dari Hanoi, yg ga sengaja liat beritanya di salah satu news online Ind. Gw langsung googling saat itu tux tau ceritanya ky apa, akhirnya gw nemu webnya.

Geez, i love it from the first time i opened this web..

Ga perlu gw ceritain juga yah nie film ttg apa. Mungkin emang udh ketebak endingnya bakal ky gmn. What i love from this movie is, the way it shows us great scenes & words that can make u think, 'iya juga y', or make u stand still in silent and find the meaning of them.

“Why do You create us differently if You only want to be worshipped in one way?”

Itu salah satu kalimat yang pasti selalu diingat orang, sama seperti gw slalu ingat kata” tsb. Why?

Gw semakin cinta sama film ini (walo gw blm ntn) coz i have almost the same experiences with Cina and Annisa (bedanya gw ga jadian aja, hihihi). I caught myself crying when i watched the movie trailer, wkakakaka..

Semakin gw liat sie Cina (Sunny Soon), makin gw suka ama cina, wkakaka..oh iyah, dy ank DKV '02 nya Binus loooowh, makin suka deh sama Sunny, hihihi..

Sejak gw tau ada film Cin(T)a, gw dah ga sabar pengen beli DVD nya..
(Kapan keluar nie DVD? Gw bener” dah ga sabar pengen punya koleksinyaaa >o<)

-Love Cina-

02 January 2010

My 2009’s Trips

Wow, it’s such a long time I don’t update my blog. I’m about to wrap up my Year Trips in 2009. I’m not a traveler, but I think I’m going to start become it, hueheue..It’s kind a pleasure telling about ur trip through the writing. And here, am going to tell u abt mine.

Singapore (May – July 2009)
This is the 1st unconditional country that I attended. Why unconditional? Bcoz I have no intense to travel there even I wanted to. I went to Spore only for transit reason bcoz at that time I had several business trips to Vietnam.
One thing kept on my mind about Spore is that I stayed in Changi airport for a night waiting for the next flight to Jakarta, and I went nowhere there but going around the airport..Boring..Yeah I know such a poor coz I had a chance to explore Spore and I didn’t use it.
Well, at least now I have a plan to have a holiday there for couple days ^o^

Vietnam (May – July 2009)
I didn’t want to go to this country at start bcoz of its internal conflict and the fact that Vietnam is a Communist Country. It was such a long story until I went there.
I stayed In Hanoi near Hoan Kiem Lake © Nguyen The Hai for about 1st 3 weeks. I was surprised bcoz even it is a small city, the place was so clean. The government clean the roads every mornin’, imagine that..I believe we’r far from them in keeping the freshness of the city.

As stated in http://www.wordtravels.com/Cities/Vietnam/Hanoi, I enjoyed staying in Hanoi. Love the food so much, very tasty, but unfortunately it’s kind a hard for moslem to find Halal foods. This city of lakes gave me lil’ bit relaxation juz by sat under the trees around the lake.
Week 1, I went to Halong Bay, one of the World Wonders of nature finalist. It was nice. I went with average boat in private, hohoho..really nice view and food. I entered Sung Sot cave which full of lamps.

Week 2, for Perfume Pagoda. U can read the review in http://www.footprintsvietnam.com/Destinations/Perfume-Pagoda.htm. I like the way to go there bcoz we had to take the boat and cross the river to go there. Up in the mountain, exist Temples under the cave. I didn’t really like being there bcoz of the smokes. Ooh, i have new little girl friend, she's 9 year old & called Nina. She & her mom comes from California traveling arround the world (am jelous am jelous >o<)

Week 3, we were going to Ho Chi Minh museum (don’t know exactly it’s name) near the President Palace in Hanoi. Quite nice, they really maintain it nicely. Ooh i also met a new friend, he's a France called Ilyes Ayari, a really nice person ^o^
The conclusion of the trip is I like Hanoi, love it except the food contain pork (which almost every food contain it) and the people (read : my client), hihihi ^o^

East Java – Surabaya – Jember – Bromo (July 2009)

A week after I went back home, I went to Jember attended Ulan & Nino’s marriage. I went with Team Guyz consist of Mayang, Tee, Shinta, Tiwi, Ratih, Sasha, Intan, Kadek, & Manik. Not only come into Ulan’s marriage, we’re also went to Bromo. Not much I can say except beautiful. The mountain was so beautiful. We’re lucky coz the weather was clear and the sunshine hasn’t risen at the time we arrived.

Lombok - Bali (November 2009)
Last trip are Lombok and Bali. I have so many things to say about this trip.

I didn’t know much about Lombok before go there. Tiwi is the one who convinced me to go there. Well, I was wavered to chose between going to Singapore or Lombok – Bali. She convinced me by gave me lots of review about them. Then I agreed to to there with my friends.
Funny thing is, they, who went with me to Lombok – Bali were stranger each others, except with me. I went with Tiwi, Jere, Ratih, Robin Tjap & Robin Olisa. They didn’t know each other except Ratih & Robin Tjap, coz they are couple (huuu, u guyz made us jealous, it was like ur pre-honeymoon, huh, hihihi..).
Lombok was incredible, amazing, beautiful and loveable and all amazed things that words can say. I love Lombok. I love the seashore, I love the air, the water, I love the citizen, I love Lombok..!! Oh, except the weather bcoz it was too hot. It burnt my skin, huhu ToT

We stayed at Gili Trawangan, one the the small island in Lombok for 3 days. Day 1, we were cycling with rented bicycle through the island. It took about 3 hours rode it. Day 2, we snorkeled through 3 Gilis, Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air.
We spent the night by walking around the café, yeap café. There are many cafes provided may food, especially seafood (of course) and Mushroom beer.
Maybe u can’t imagine what I wrote here, I juz can say, see it by urself ^o^

Day 3, we went to Bali from Lombok. Well, Bali didn’t impress me much, maybe because I went to Lombok 1st and it amazed me ^o^. Day 4 & 5, We went to many Temples from Bedugul, Kintamani, Monkey Forest, Tanah lot, Dreamland and Sukowati. Day 6 we rented motorcycles and goin' arround Kuta where Jere was't able to drive it at all & that was his 1st time drive while i was as his passenger (praying when he was driving it) , hihihi..
Bali..not much i can say coz i bet all of u been there, hihihi ^o^

Overall, I can say my life is BEAUTIFUL...!!


01 January 2010

Welcome 2010

Tahun cepet banget berganti yah..ternyata 1 tahun itu cepet bgt, ga berasa..gw masih inget last year waktu pergantian tahun 2008 ke 2009, gw duduk dikamar, memikirkan resolusi kedepan..setelah berjam - jam duduk (dengan so' serius), gw tetep ga nemu 'what i want & have to do'. Akhirnya gw ga punya resolusi d tux th 2009.

I'm the one who let things flow as they should flow. Bukan berarti gw ga punya keinginan sie, cuma blom tau aja mau gw apa..Well, dengan tidak memiliki Resolusi -target- bukan berarti tahun tersebut berjalan dengan tdr menyenangkan bukan? Buktinya -alhamdulillah- gw punya kesempatan tux pergi ke luar negri walo dengan tujuan business trip yg secara tdk langsung cara pandang gw berubah terhadap apapun yg ada di dunia ini. Gw punya cerita seru tentang relationship status gw dengan beberapa co, dan mantannya salah satu co tsb. Gw punya tambahan banyak teman ^o^ dan merasa kehilangan beberapa teman juga :(

Yang pasti, gw suka th 2009..many memorable things whether good or bad, but still love it ^o^


To be honest, gw sama sekali blom punya resolusi..kejadian yg sama dengan th lalu, gw duduk sendiri & mikirin resolusi gw itu. Banyak tuntutan ke gw sie, soal S2, soal Jodoh, soal Kerjaan..But once again, i'll let things happen to me.

But, gw ga sepenuhnya blank soal resolusi ini. I want to fix several things and hope it will last forever.
1.Keep in touch with my friends. Semakin hari gw semakin sadar klo gw semakin kehilangan mereka. Bukan karena sombong, tp kesibukan -so' sibuk- yg memaksa.
2.Fokus. Yeah yeah, old story..gw suka ga fokus terhadap apapun yg sedang gw lakukan, dampaknya jd suka ngaret deh.
3.Intens with my fam.
5.Mulai memikirkan mu sekolah dmn -!@#$%^&*-
6.Semakin membuka diri terhadap org” baru yg berdatangan ^o^

Well, moga” smua bs berjalan dengan baik yah..amiiin ^o^