About my Blog

Want to write down everything that comes in my mind

26 February 2010

Love is in the air

I got news..!!
A year having long haircut, getting’ bored with it, and Voila..!! I got nu short haircut..!! loooove it..!!
Looking back my posting abt Welcome 2010, I suddenly remember my last point of resolution, and am doin’ it now..
I open my heart and let it feels the love from someone who gives me that. He gives me his heart, love and care to me. I never had this kind a feelin’, where I can be myself and feel comfortable around him. Love this..
Love without borders. I heard that quote from one of Radio station while I was driving. I think that line much likely the same with what happen now. And for that border, I, unexpectedly had conversation with my mom and got the green light to be with him..!! Wow..
I do really enjoy this kind a situation.


Wulan Aquariyanti said...

Mumpung lampu ijo, gas terus ya Caa.. Semangat! hahaha.. apa sih?!
Moga2 langgeng!

NeeZ said...

Ahahaha, tengkyu, Honey ^o^