About my Blog

Want to write down everything that comes in my mind

16 May 2009

Nice wiken ^0^

It's a week in Vietnam, so far i love this country..many places to go, quite near, not too far i mean..many gud places which become the gud spots to take pics, i believe my friends r dying for this, wkakakaka..like today, we went to Halong bay..aaw, it's a must c place u know, sooooo gud ^0^

Well anyway, dunno why gw masih mikirin sie player yg 1 itu..he said that he broke up with her, but the relationship status in fesbuk is still like that..huff..seems like nothing happen, nothing change..what happen to meee...? aaaah, like no other man, Nissa..? ck ck ck...

13 May 2009


Well, mau sedikit colongan tentang dia..u can say that i am stupid..i juz ended my relationship with a 'player'..i can say he is a player, coz i think that's the rite word to describe him..i don't want to believe his words, but i do..i don't want to hear the story abt the x-gf, but i do..i don't want to contact him, but i do..

I lost my trust in him, i don't believe in what he says anymore, but somehow, i also believe when he tried to convinced me with his nice-tease-convince, but when i c the truth, i suddenly build a wall to trust his words..i doubt every single words coming from him..

Actually i am really stupid..i know that he can't move on from her..i know they both r feel possessive each other..they want each other..he's a wishy washy guy, afraid of everything especially with her, who always drive his life..or they both r like that..? dunno..huff..

I don't know if i love him or not..all i know, i feel very comfy every time i talk with him, even i don't know he feels the same or not..he said he loves me, until now..should i believe in him..? i want to, but infact i am not..i don't know what i feel abt him..huff..

Stupid girl..

12 May 2009

@ Vietnam

Owkeeyh, gw sekarang lagi ada di Vietnam, my 1st time in here..like yogya i think..bangunannya tua" tapi terawat, public rests nya juga rapih & bersih", banyak spot" bagus tux foto", hohoho..danaunya, guedeee..namanya west like..banyak monumen" pula, nice place for tourists..

Kenapa gw bisa nyasar ke Viet..? well, i do the business trip with my bos & my PM..ga enak klo pergi gini tapi masih kerja, bawaannya malah ga bs istirahat, huff..musti bikin ini, bikin itu..dah gt yaaah, bikin emosi banget nie Hotel..bilangnya sie bintang 4 yax, klo di bandingin sama yg di indo mah dah ky hotel melati, wkakakaa..

Seru sie disini, cuma yg bikin ga tahan tuh pengendara motor sama sepedanya buanyak bgt & ga beradap..klo di indo, orang bunyiin klakson cuma klo udh kepepet, lah disini, tiap brp detik pasti klakson, hihiih..dah gt yah, klo ada yg nyebrang jalan juga tuh motor ga peduli, ck ck ck..much better in Ind lah y klo soal traffictnya..

Well, maybe i'll stay for abt 1 month, or could be more than that..tekanan kerjanya bakal tinggi kynya, musti extra work nie..

Anywaaaay, waktu gw mu berangkat ke Hanoi, gw kan transit ke Changi dulu, nah gw janjian sama dy..he went there, tp gw nya ga bs kluar ktm ma dy, hihihi..mabh yah, padahal gw pengen bgt ktm ma dy..sayang skali..later lah klo pas mu cao ke jkt, gw coba tux ktm ma dy..

Urgh, so sleepy..i need my beauty sleep..huff..

02 May 2009


20 days with that status, now back to reality..single again, hihihi.. don't regret my decision to be like this, i regret chose to be the last one for him, but infact that i'm not..i should choose to be the 1st one who broke his heart, then i'll get the medal, or even the gold cup, huff..
A player should be punished, but it's not me who have right do it, let things happen juz the way it will..later he'll get karma, hahahaa, hopefully he realize it before the karma's come..
Lucky me that not give my heart to him, huff...

01 May 2009

Think that i'm not the one

Have u ever think that u r really the one...? or it's juz what u think but infact u r not..i'm thinking of it rite now..sad..can't get over her from him, never..her shadow will come with us whenever & whereever we go T_T