About my Blog

Want to write down everything that comes in my mind

21 November 2010

Mood Boosting

Hmm, where to start..

My feeling..Hmm it's getting better..Since he's in a relationship now, it's easier for me to ignore everything about him. It's easy for me to get closer and welcoming new guys in my life. Thx for him ;)

Last week when I went to Bandung, my bro and sis showed me there Korean reality show, named Running Man and We Got Married. Since then, i am addicted to them. It became my mood booster. I am willing to re-learn guitar.

Well, I actually have a guitar since Junior High School, but it is at my bro place now..Oooh i really want to learn it..I'll buy the new clasic Guitar (Nylon)..Really can't wait ^o^

I intend to learn French. I think it's a sexy language. I bought French and Japanese dictionary to learn without going to course, ehehhee..

I want to go to school and go to the new place to work..Pheew, lot of thing to do then..

11 November 2010


Kamis lalu, pas gw pulang ke rumah, secara ga sadar ternyata charger
bb gw ketinggalan di kantor. Cari akal tux ngecharge hp itu, akhirnya
gw make lapie dan kabel data..iseng" buka fb n twitter via web..guess
what i've found..Ari is in a relationship..!!

Wooow, i was speachless..that's really fast..mu nangis rasanya..i was
on the phone when i saw the feed..sampe" omongan temen gw itu ga ada
yg gw dengerin..gw blank seketika..omg, how could he..?!

Gw bener" berasa dibohongin..segala ucapan dy ke gw tuh bullshit..!!

"there's only you"
"i wanna get married with you!"
"i love you"
"i don't wanna lose you"
"i love you 24hrs no matter what happen"

Gosh..stupid me trusted all he said..

Kecewa..kecewaaaa bgt..alasan sibuk n ga punya wkt skrg udh ga berlaku
lagi kyny..itu makin ngebuka mata gw lagi, bahwa dy ga bener" sayang
sama gw..

Sekarang gw di bandung, lagi ambil cuti 3 hari nemenin nenex n fam gw
liburan disini..jd keinget dulu wkt dy nyamper gw ke sini..ngobrol
sama nyokap, ketawa" bareng..jalan" bareng..those were beautiful..

Sekarang..smuanya emang cuma boongan..i am shocked, really
shocked..but that's fine, karena dg begini, gw harus bener" ngapus dy
dr kehidupan gw..

"Klo lo ngerasa ga bs hidup tanpa dy, coba dibalik. Bisa ga lo hidup
bareng" dy terus?" - Yumin

Waaaaw, pertanyaan yg skakmat..!! I always imagine having a lil' fam
with him, happy together with our kids..tapi gw ga pernah ngebayangin
hidup dg seorang 'Don Juan', dmn sering dikelilingi wanita, gampang
jatuh cinta n gampang melupakan orang yg sudah diberikan harapan
setinggi langit..

"A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life, to be
thankful for a good one". - Marjorie Kinnan

It's been twice my Dear God..i have enuf..would you please give me the
last one, to be my last 'stop' of hurt, hope and love? I pray to You..

08 November 2010

Hellow Couples

Hello Couple ;)

Couple months i have followed some couples which are my friends..I love to see their blogs..I love to see the love between them. Some of them are silly, some are cute, some are stupid naughty..

Reading them sometimes makes me smile, sad and jealous..Who doesn't want to be loved in return? I do..They do..You do..

Sometimes i questioning myself, why can't i be like them? Why can't i have a lasting relationship?

Let's juz say yesterday was not my day and i hope i'll get my life partner soon ;)