Things r goin' really beautiful in d past..makanya, hal yg paling gw suka itu adalah waktu masa" pdkt, klo dah jadian bawaannya malah uring"an, ck ck now, we r soooooo busy together abt our own job n the condition juz different rite now..huff..i have no guts to say that i want him to be juz like before..i miss the 'old' him..
Tadi bbrp temen gw msg & telp gw, ngasih tau gw tux liat fesbuk dy, ternyata ada foto mantannya..yeah i know klo dy lg hangout together with his friends, which is, she could be in there & kenyataannya beneran kan she's biasa aja sie koq jadi berasa heboh bgt yaaah..mana gw ga bs tlp dy, ck ck ck..y su, gw pulang dengan feeling ga jelas, gw marah, jeles, ato justru biasa aja..? gw juga ga ngerti..i logged-on fesbuk, n found her pic on his fesbuk..suddenly i got the 'x'-syndrom, wkakakaka (hanya gw & rara yg tau)..
Well..jujur aja, gw typical orang yg gampang il-feel..soooo..don't blame me if my feeling for u could be gone..
Easy Vegan Lasagna Soup
10 months ago