About my Blog

Want to write down everything that comes in my mind

30 March 2009


Report for these 2 days..

Pagi” gw ke tempat temenny Pau” tux ikutan acara Community service gt. Qta ke SLB di depok..kind a lesson for me saw them who has physically challenge live their life dmn rata” tiap ank min punya 4 jenis cacat n smuanya bed rest..langsung bersyukur udah di berikan apa yg gw punya sekarang..
Malem” gw ketemu sama tmn” SD gw, reuni kecil”an..seru..ketemu sie mantan..he's getting mature now, become a good photographer..ketemu dy jd inget dulu, hihihii..aga ngebikin gw sedikit blushing gw rasa :d hahahaa..aaah, i miss him now :D

Dee lg k jkt, truz dy mu main Para” dance, jd d qta cao k Karawaci..akhirny sampe sana main di Timezone abis itu ntn Confession of shopaholic (nice movie) truz lanjut Timezone lg, hueheuehe..kata dee gw berubah, jd aga tenang..am i..? maybe yes..mungkin coz gw emg lg bnyk pikiran juga x y, jd nya ga terlalu excited klo cerita sth..

Plain..sampe rumah ga ada orang coz bonyok lg pergi kondangan..home alone..truz sms dy..dy masih sama temenny..suddenly..plain..bad mood..huff..harusny dengan gw ngelewatin 2 hari ini gw seneng ato pumped up yah, tp ntah kenapa, tiba” plain..ntah knp..
Gw knp y...?
After an hour, he called me..plain..ga semangat gw jawabnya..lg” ntah knp..maybe bcoz of lack of communication..? busy..don't have time..hah cliche..do i really want to do this? Hhh..jd inget, td Dee juga nanya hal yg sama..i said yes..but tonite, suddenly i'm not sure that i want it..hhh..lg ga mu ngomong sebenerny..ym juga males..
Pengen sendiri..juz to calm my heart..

*no hurt feeling to u..juz..i need time to calm myself of whatever

22 March 2009

enjoy my loneliness -bad mood-

This is a bad week..bener" bikin gw ga mood sepanjang hari, smua berawal dari kerjaan..kerjaan yg hectic deadline sana sini, slalu ada update-an dr sisi client n adanya missunderstanding yg memperlambat pekerjaan semua orang, sampe akhirny hal itu bikin techlead gw kesel n aga negur gw (coz ini smua ngefek ke kerjaan dy juga)..huff..i feel so stupid..ga becus kerja..
Gw pengen cerita, pengen luapin smua kekesalan gw, but i don't know to whom i can talk to..i have friends, many friends, but in fact that i have nobody who can spend the time for me even for abt a half hour, cuma tux dengerin gw cerita, sukur" bs nenangin gw, heuheuehue..tp gw ngerti koq, ga cuma gw aja yg sibuk, pasti mrk juga pd sibuk..
Lonely..kynya ini emang satu"nya cara gw to calm myself, to think abt other things than that hectic probs..
Thx to Ulan & Puca yg secara ga sengaja ketemu di cetingan, @ least bs dengerin keluh kesah gw n bs tuker pikiran juga ^0^
Well, gw ga akan menjadi lembek atopun cengeng hanya karena hal ky gini, i know many peoples have bad experiences, even worst..mungkin ini salah satu sentilan dari Nya buat gw biar gw jd lebih teliti lagi dalam pekerjaan gw..

*To Ayu kecil, masalah gw ga ada apa"ny dibanding sama yg lo hadapi skrg..i wanna be like u, tough girl..

09 March 2009

abt LDR & Kambing Jantan

I've seen kambing Jantan the movie, so so aja (since i read the book & luv it badly), but quite nice, especially when u do the LDR thing. yeap, I was smile when I saw scene by scene..This movie kind an 'alert' to me to c the LDR as a choice to keep the relationship with ur hunz..many problems, one of the cliche thing is the distance..I juz smile, thinking that -maybe- I'll do it with someone, hihihii..

I am smiling now :) and write this blog while hearing the Adelaide Sky - Adhitia Sofyan

nb :
what is LDR..?
My version : Long Distance relationship
Kambing Jantan version : Long -Dick- Reduction =)) wkakkaak, dodol...

04 March 2009

kerja menggila - intens

Huaaa, semakin sering lembur nie gw, huhuhu..pengen nge-kos..cape bgt brkt subuh pulang tengah malem, huhuhuu...

-Irvanny resign, sedih, hix-

Hmm, dia jadi balik dr Spore bulan depan, hihii, can't wait ^0^